I am at present busy with a project to catch up on the books that I have read since January 2009 when I started with my 36 books a year challenge. This blog documents what I have in a hand written book journal in order to give other book fans the chance to share in my challenge and to have access to reviews of books they might be interested in. Please leave a comment or link to your book blog if you have one.

Monday, August 23, 2010

June 2009 - Book 18

Spud - learning to fly by John van de Ruit
If you have not read the other two Spud books, please do so before reading this one. They are so worth it too!

This book really fulfilled on what it promised to be - a well deserved third book in the series. 'n Great read with a laugh a minute, and the inevitable tear to match. Filled with awesome real over the top characters that grips the imagination you are truly entertained on every single page. As with the previous books it documents another year in the life of Spud and the crazy eight in a school filled with more than it's equal share of  slightly crazy people. To top it all, Spuds own way dysfunctional family continues to entertain us through out.

I am sure that through the years I will read them all again, and so will my children. I also can not wait for the film of the first book to start showing- John Gleeson will simply be the best Guv possible.

Cat's rating: a stellar 9,5/10

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