I am at present busy with a project to catch up on the books that I have read since January 2009 when I started with my 36 books a year challenge. This blog documents what I have in a hand written book journal in order to give other book fans the chance to share in my challenge and to have access to reviews of books they might be interested in. Please leave a comment or link to your book blog if you have one.

Monday, August 30, 2010

July 2009 - Book 19

The Road Home by Tommy Tenney and Mark Andrew Olsen
A modern version of the age old story of Ruth portrayed against the background of Las Vegas and Lancaster County, Pennsylvania's Amish and Mennonite communities. The book features many very likable characters and manages to wield the charm of a rural lifestyle by pure descriptions- I could form clear pictures in my mind as to the countryside, buildings and people.

I would have never bought the book in a shop,. but I guess that's one of the advantages of belonging to a  book club - you get to read books that surprise you quite often.

Well written is is really worth the read.

Cat's opinion: a solid 7and a half/10

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