I am at present busy with a project to catch up on the books that I have read since January 2009 when I started with my 36 books a year challenge. This blog documents what I have in a hand written book journal in order to give other book fans the chance to share in my challenge and to have access to reviews of books they might be interested in. Please leave a comment or link to your book blog if you have one.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

June 2011 - Book 14

Recipe for Life by Nicky Pellegrino
In the magical Villa Rosa, under the striking blue Italian skies, 3 woman form a bond that will last may many years.Through the language of good food and great cooking, Alice and Babetta strike a friendship that bonds, despite the barriers of real language and age. And despite the rocky road that charming local boy Lucio's affections create, Alice and Leila's sisterhood spans decades.

The recipes and food had me drooling at times - so wonderfully described, like the many colourful characters that populate the books. A little bonus is a few of the recipes cooked in the book added as an annexure.

Written in colourful language and showing the local charm of rural Italy and it's villas, this little book is a joyful and great girl's and bookclub read. Easy and gripping I can really recommend it for the holidays too.

Cat's opinion: a charming 7 and a half/10

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

June 2011- Book 13

Afrikaans book review/ boek resensie:
Meetsnoer deur Chanette Paul

Wanneer Raine Quinn se lewe omver gegooi word deur 'n kerk wat haar as 'n satanis beskryf, koop sy 'n pragtige plaas met 'n natuurlike woud en fabelagtige huis om haar nuwe lewe in te begin. Maar sy is totaal onbewus daarvan dat twee ander mense, elk om hulle eie redes, dieslefde plaas wil he en tot die uiterste sal gaan om dit in die hande te kry. Sy is ook totaal onbewus dat sy meer as ooit tecore te doen gaan kry met godsdienstige fanatisisme.

Wat volg is 'n heerlike speurstorie en riller in die tradisie van die skrywer se vorige 3 "Kruisbaai" of "Gys en Gertjie" boeke. Die boek lyk goed nagevors te wees en die oorsprong en funksionering van sekte kerke met dominante leiers is 'n fasinerende agtergrond.

Ek het die boek baie geniet maar twee goed pla tog - Gys en Gertjie kan nie vir ewig rondpleoter in onsekerheid nie. Die hele sotrielyn is nou oud.En die name van karakters - o aarde! Flint Fletcher en Raine Quinn vir twee redelik gewopne Afrikaanse mense? Dit beklemtoon miskien die effense kitch gevoel rondom die boek en die reeks wat al meer vir my na vore kom.

Tog 'n lekker lees en deel van 'n lekker lees reeks.
Cat se opinie: net-net 8/10/

Sunday, June 12, 2011

May 2011 - Book 10

Consolation by Anna Gavalda

I have to admit that sometimes, the cover of a book is the first draw card for me. This was certainly the case with this book with such a lovely cover.

Charles is a life-tired architect, frustrated in his work and life at home. In fact, his only bit of positive feedback and the light of his life is a teenager that is not even his own child. Charles also has a colourful past, dominated by his down to the rules parents , a unique neighbour , her son and a rather unconventional nanny. And although in secret, Charles loved that neighbour, Anouk, not like a son but like the man he was yet to become.

When he receives the news that she has died, his life all of a sudden goes into an out of control spin until, inevitably, he sets out to find her son. There life hands him the best consolation prize ever - Kate, a woman Anouk touched with her unique light. And a woman that will heal his heart.

I found the first half of the book a rather tough read - maybe due to the translation from the original French. But once you reach the last half it turns into pure magic.

A wonderful positive read and well worth a 9/10

Friday, June 10, 2011

May 2011 - Book 11

Wolf Hall - Hillary Mantel

Tom Cromwell starts life as the abused son of a blacksmith and rise to unknown power for a commoner, up to now, as the right hand man of Henry the VIII. As the story of the rise of Tom unfolds, the history of the time paints the rich tapestry that forms the background of the story. Many famous, or shall we say imfamous names become the people that fill the story of Henry's challenge to the church and related history to the reformation, all for the passion to marry Anne Boleyn.

Although a well researched historical novel, the characters become very real people to the reader and the emotions and character of most players gets displayed on a very personal rahter than historical level.

I did find the book rather brutal at times, but I guess that is the level of the horrors that took place in society in the name of religion at the time. I also have to admit that it took me ages to read this book and that I did loose interest at times. I think that it is mainly the use of language (in an almost old, very simple form) that is the reason for this. I does however suit the book and the period very well.

Well researched and written, it is an interesting, but long read.

Cat's opinion: 8/10

May 2011 - Book 12

Gone - Mo Hayder

When a car is hi-jacked with an 11 year old girl still in the back seat, DI Jack Caffery quickly realizes that he is dealing with way more than an accidental disappearance. When the hi-jacker starts to send letters to the victims and police, Jack knows that this was not the last child to be grabbed by this monster. He also realizes that he is dealing with the most intelligent criminal he has ever encountered.

Full of unexpected twists and turns and filled with a colourful range of characters, this book will keep you wanting for more and reading into the wee hours of the morning.

A thriller second to none, this will be only the first of many books by Mo Hayder that I will read.

Cat's mark: a well deserved 9/10