I am at present busy with a project to catch up on the books that I have read since January 2009 when I started with my 36 books a year challenge. This blog documents what I have in a hand written book journal in order to give other book fans the chance to share in my challenge and to have access to reviews of books they might be interested in. Please leave a comment or link to your book blog if you have one.

Monday, November 15, 2010

October 2010 -Book 27

 The Vintage Caper by Peter Mayle
Peter Mayle is well known for his bestsellers featuring France and more specifically Provence. I have thoroughly enjoyed the other books that I have read by him and this one is no exception.

A lively little detective story featuring the world's best wines and a good shot of humor, takes place between the USA and France. As per usual it is Mayle's descriptions of the French food and lifestyle that brings the real magic to the book. Warning - do not read hungry! The French national character is featured and displayed through some of the colourful characters that populate this book.

I am left with a desire to return to France as soon as possible. To sit at the little cafes, eat the food, drink the wine and look at the people - the very same feeling I have after every wingle book I have read by the author. And certainly some day I will.
An easy and entertaining read, I will certainly recommend it with a 8/10.

Monday, October 11, 2010

October 2010- Book 26

When will there be Good News by Kate Atkinson
The only other two books that I have read by the author are both favorites of mine. "Behind the scenes at the museum" is a wonderful drama highlighting how a family does not cope with tragedy. "One good turn" is and intriguing bit of crime fiction (and some more) set at the Edinburgh festival. This read is a bit of both.

Featuring some of the characters I have met in "One good turn" this book also features not one, but 3 great female characters - each one clever, witty and  intriguing in her own way and each with a n interesting past.

Pivoting around a train disaster, a set of events featuring a 16 year old character called Reggie  -  a lonely, poor but brilliant girl- forms the backbone of the story, told with great compassion and speckled with Atkinson's telltale dry sense of humor. To be honest, I still have some questions milling in my mind about the eventual outcome of it all.

Clever and well written with endearing characters, this is a must read if you like a good crime read. 

Cat's ranking: 9 and a half/10 

Friday, October 8, 2010

July 2009 - Book 30

I am doing this one in Afrikaans as it is not available in English.
Verblyf deur Erika Murray-Theron

Wat 'n heerlike verassing was die boek nie. Ek het die boek doodeenvoudig impulsief by die boekklub geleen, en so ou tannie tipe boek verwag. Maar hierdie boek is uitstekend geskryf met 'n boeiende storielyn. Die hele toon van die boek is effe ongemaklik, mens kan as aan't ware die ontuisheid van die karakters in die boek aanvoel, wat op die ou einde vir almal na 'n soort van "behoort" ontwikkel.

Regtig 'n goeie lees.

Cat's gee die 7 en 'n half/10.

Monday, October 4, 2010

September 2010- Book 24

On Chesil Beach by Ian McEwan
Ian McEwan has his own unique style in writing. Often with a surprise turn of events, he tells the stories of ordinary people caught in extraordinary circumstances.

This book features two very ordinary young people faced with their wedding night shortly before the sexual revolution. He is extremely excited to consume theur union in a moment much anticipated. She is scared beyond words. They both have a deep caring, almost platonic love for each other. In one swift moment it all goes wrong.

When faced by Edward on Chesil beach demanding his marital rights, Florence makes a proposal that shocks Edward and finally turns the event to the unexpected twist.

This is a really good read, true to McEwan's style. If you liked "Atonement", his best know book ( also a movie), give this read a try.

Cat's opinion: 8/10

Saturday, October 2, 2010

September 2010 - Book 25

The Elegance of the Hedgehog by Muriel Barbery

Renee  Michel is a concierge in a building housing some of the most expensive apartments in Paris. On the surface she is a typical ignorant concierge. Deep inside, she is an intellectual of note. Elsewhere in the building Paloma Josse, all of 12 years old, sees no future in her predetermined life. When the owner of one of the apartments dies, and the flat is sold to the charming Kakuro Ozu, both their lives take a turn in another direction.

Filled with wonderful characters each and every part of the book joins to tell the most unique and beautiful story in the most sublime way. I have to mention that the translation from the original French is also perfect. I oftenn find that books translated from another language is not as enjoyable to read as an originally English book as often the English feels forced and rigid. This translation flows and I never had the feeling that English was not the language that the book was originally written in.

Sublime, quiet and absolutely beautiful, this touching read is my favorite this year and may well earn a place in my top 30 or so books.

Cat's opinion: a perfect 10/10

Monday, August 30, 2010

July 2009 - Book 19

The Road Home by Tommy Tenney and Mark Andrew Olsen
A modern version of the age old story of Ruth portrayed against the background of Las Vegas and Lancaster County, Pennsylvania's Amish and Mennonite communities. The book features many very likable characters and manages to wield the charm of a rural lifestyle by pure descriptions- I could form clear pictures in my mind as to the countryside, buildings and people.

I would have never bought the book in a shop,. but I guess that's one of the advantages of belonging to a  book club - you get to read books that surprise you quite often.

Well written is is really worth the read.

Cat's opinion: a solid 7and a half/10

Monday, August 23, 2010

June 2009 - Book 18

Spud - learning to fly by John van de Ruit
If you have not read the other two Spud books, please do so before reading this one. They are so worth it too!

This book really fulfilled on what it promised to be - a well deserved third book in the series. 'n Great read with a laugh a minute, and the inevitable tear to match. Filled with awesome real over the top characters that grips the imagination you are truly entertained on every single page. As with the previous books it documents another year in the life of Spud and the crazy eight in a school filled with more than it's equal share of  slightly crazy people. To top it all, Spuds own way dysfunctional family continues to entertain us through out.

I am sure that through the years I will read them all again, and so will my children. I also can not wait for the film of the first book to start showing- John Gleeson will simply be the best Guv possible.

Cat's rating: a stellar 9,5/10

June 2009 - Book 17

The Irreverent Mother's Guide by Sam Cowen and Lee van Loggerenberg
I read Sam's "Waiting for Christopher" when I just had the princess and thoroughly enjoyed it. This one is even funnier. Consisting out of emails between Sam and her BFF Lee, it covers nanny's, toddler sex education, newborn woes and second time around pregnancy thoughts.

A light must read for all of Sam's fans and all moms and moms to be.

Car's count: 7/10

Thursday, August 19, 2010

June 2009 - Book 16

The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver
I have looked at this book for years, thinking to buy it and always choosing something else in stead. I was simply not ready for another story of liberation in Africa. So when I saw it in the Book club, I also took a few months before I actually borrowed it and read it. And boy, was I wrong about this book - it is not about politics in -Africa at all, but more about politics right in every home.

When a borderline deranged missionary decides to take his family to Africa to "save the savages" the real savage in him comes out to play. A brutal and disillusioned man, he influences the lives of his daughters until the end of time.

Excellently written and a great story with very real and unique characters, this is simply a "must" read. Even if you do not feel like another African read.

Cat's rating: 9/10

Monday, August 16, 2010

August 2010 - Book 22

Dis koue kos, skat deur Marita van der Vyver 
also released in English as Just Dessert, Dear.

Clara Brand, food journalist's husband cheats on her with a pretty blond colleague and friend.When they are caught in the act, he makes the decision to leave his wife and 3 children for the pretty seductress. Clara fights to find herself again by finding solace in whiskey, chocolate and opera music, just to move to Cape Town and find herself in a brand new life. In the end, through a set of circumstances and a horny ex husband, she finds he own form of poetic justice. From insanely angry at the start to strangely in control at the end, we walk the path with her and see her grow.

Written with a lot of humor by means of letters and emails, the story is told without any character ever really "saying" a word. Clara writes to her ex husband, her sister, friend and the writer of the book who almost becomes a character herself, and to Griet, the very famous main character in the writer's best know work, "Entertaining angels/ Griet skryf 'n sprokie".

A great entertaining read, it is truly unputdownable.  I am truly a fan of her work.
Cat gives this one a great 9,5/10 for entertainment value.

Friday, August 13, 2010

May 2009 - Book 15

Petronella van Aarde, burgemeester deur Dalene Matthee

Wanneer Petronella die Status Quo in Kasselspoort uitdaag steek allerhande kinkels in die kabel hulle koppe uit. Die karakters is ryklik verweef en is die tipe mens wat jy op elke klein dorpie kan raakloop - behalwe dalk Petronella selfs - sy is 'n unieke vrou (en uit een stuk). 'n Lekkerlees boek, is hierdie die tipe Matthhee lees wat ek geniet- ek is nie 'n aanhanger van die bos boeke nie.

My punt: 'n lekker 8/10

Thursday, August 12, 2010

May 2009 - Book 14

Harvesting the heart by Jodi Picoult
When I read the book I did not realize that this was only Jodi's second book and that possibly it does not offer the same challenges as her later books do.

Paige is a young woman that was abandoned by her mother as a toddler. This remains the main issue in her life as she meets a young medical student, Nicholas and marries him. Pushing aside her own dreams and talents to become his wife, she trips into an emotional ditch with the birth of their little boy, Max. When it all becomes too much for her, she does exactly what her mother did - she abandons him in his dad's care.

A bit too much of a romance story for my taste, at least characters develop and at the end of the book you do have a bit more empathy than at the beginning, both for Paige and her mother.

A so- so Picoult ( she has many more that are way better) - a 5/10

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

April 2009 - Book no 13

The brief wondrous life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz
Oscar is a young man, and outcast that finds himself growing up in the most extraordinary circumstances. He is transplanted to the very intriguing environment of Santa Domingo where he once again find himself caught up in a world that he does not really belong to. Eternally the fringe figure he finds his solace in science fiction. If you know a bit about this genre in literature or the movies you might find yourself surprise every now and again by references and quotes.

A truly original, but very sad read that is so well written that you can actually see the characters come alive. I would greatly recommend this book to every one that likes an original read.

Cat's rating: A great 9/10 

Monday, August 9, 2010

April 2009 - Book no 12

The shadow of the wind - Carlos Ruiz Zafon
I have a very flexible list of top 10 favorite books of all time. And I have a top 100 list of books, which tend to stay more stable. This one made it to that top 100 list with the greatest of ease.

Set in charming time in the most intriguing city, it is the story of a young man that "discovers" a long lost book in the most amazing library. It quickly develops in the most amazing story that functions on many levels, connecting over characters and periods of time.

Really excellently written this very touching and intricate story will amaze and keep you intrigued. A warning though - it is a very long and not always easy read.

Cat's rating: a solid 9,5/10

Saturday, August 7, 2010

March 2009 -Book no 11

Emotionally Healthy Twins by Joan A Friedman
I met Joan when she gave a talk at SAMBA - South Africa's Multiple Birth Association.I was really impressed by her principles and bought the book to read more.

Joan encourages separate individuality to a huge extend going as far as separate parties etc. We decided to implement several of the suggestions she makes and it has surely already been of benefit to us.

I would encourage all parents of multiples to read this book - we all take such care of their physical health, let's do the same for their mental health.

Cat's rating 9/10

Friday, August 6, 2010

March 2009 -Book no 10

My apologies to my English readers - this book has not been translated, hence I will do the review in Afrikaans as well.
Fortuin deur Chanette Paul
Die verhaal speel af in 'n retreat vir siele wat soek na verdieping of verandering in hule lewe, Of Eva 'n heks of 'n engel is, is elke een se eie opinie, Dan word die eerste gas op die plaas vermoor en die nimlike Fortuintjie raak betrokke by die saak.

Hierdie is 'n heelike spanningsverhaal wat verras op elke bladsy. Die karakters is ryk geklee  en werklik interessant en die skrywer wek deernis met interessante gewone mense se lewens. Ek kon nie wag om haar volgende boek te lees nie.

Chanette het aanvanklik hygromans geskryf en daarvoor bekend geword - nie 'n genre wat ek enigsens lees nie. Maar hierdie is ware spanningsverhale - as jy van Deon Meyer hou, sal jy hiervan hou.

Hierdie boek kan alleen gelees word, maar ek sal aanbeveel dat jy eers "Springgety" lees - die eerste boek in die Kruisbaai trilogie. Die boeke volg nie op mekaar nie, maar sommige karakters is in almal teenwoordig en daar word tog verwys na die vorige boek. Ek sal ook weldra "Boheem", die derde boek in die reeks resenseer.

Cat se opinie: 'n Lekkerlees 8,5/10

Thursday, August 5, 2010

March 2009 -Book no 9

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer
There has been so much written about these books that I am not going to add much to the debate. Suffice with that I found the book completely "unputdownable " and can see why it is a bestseller of note. The whole concept of an almost completely parallel world running along side and interweaving with ours was fascinating.  At the time when I read the book I was not sure if I actually was going to read the rest of the series, but subsequently have and enjoyed all.

I did find Bella extremely irritating though. Her neadyness and passive character type really frustrated me and I was sure that in real life Bella and me would never have been friends. Way too dark and broody. Although a good book on it's own, it is really just the introduction to the rest of the series.

Cat's rating: 9/10 for a good read.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

March 2009 -Book no 8

Learning to Fly by Roxanne Henke
I am not a huge fan of Christian  fiction type books but we seem to have quite a few in the Book club. I would never have bought this book or even lend it from the library, but it caught my eye in the Book club box, and I took it home. An wow, what a great read!

It is a well written simple story of two girls growing up in the same town in two very different households with very different discipline and parenting rules. The message of this book has been in the back of my mind ever since I read it (which is more than a year ago), and I often stand back and think about a situation that is playing out in our home and weighing the consequences according to the stories in this book.

A must read for every Christian mom - and entertaining too.

Cat's rating: A well deserved 8,5/10

July 2010 - Book no 21

Die wonderdade van Staal Burger deur Fanus Rautenbach
So ek mis iets hier - duidelik. Dalk is ek nie nostalgies genoeg oor ou radioverhale nie, maar dis net met totale deursettings vermoë dat ek hierdie boek klaar gelees het. Die skryftrant en taal is irriterend en die stories maar regtig oppervlakkig. Snaaks genoeg - die ander "nie-Staal" verhale in die boek was effens beter.

Lees slegs en alleenlik as jy na ou Springbokradio stories verlang.

Cat se punte: seker maar 5/10 - dit is oom Fanus

July 2010 - Book no 20

The third Angel by Alice Hoffman

Spanning the time frame of 3 lifetimes, this book brings together the stories of a whole cast of characters that one meet as the book progress. In each part of the book, in each time frame you start to make the connections between the different characters. The picture and the whole frame of the story becomes more apparent.

The book connects the loves of two present day sisters, getting together to prepare for the one's wedding, with the life of the groom's mom in the swinging sixties, where she discovers while defying her father that her greatest joy is actually being with him. Years before that the two sister's mother witness a heartbreaking event that changes her life forever. The one factor that binds all of the stories is a dingy hotel in London, that almost acts as a character all of its own.

Cleverly written this books addresses the love between parents and their children and the devastating effect the loss of a loved one has on the lives of those left behind.An excellent and clever read.

Cat's opinion: A clever 9/10

(I also enjoyed her book Here on Earth and the film Practical magic, based on one of her books)

Monday, August 2, 2010

July 2010 - Book no 18

The Monk who sold his Ferrari by Robin S Sharma

I have heard so much about this book that I grabbed the chance to be the first one to read it at the Bookclub. I am really not a keen reader of self-help type books so I should have known that like most other of it's species, this one would also not fascinate me. I read the first two thirds and tried to really concentrate and understand and remember as much as possible. I even re-capped on the handy summaries at the end of each chapter. But it was just not "happening". Maybe at the time I was simply too tired. The last third I speed-read through.

The message is simple - return to yourself and to true and honest non monetary values and you will get rich, be thin and healthy and eternally happy and perfect. Ok, maybe I am being a bit cynical. Recommended for self help junkies and semi-Buddhist  health nuts only.

Cat's score on this one; 4/10- but maybe it's just me.

Friday, July 30, 2010

July 2010 : Book no17

Salmon Fishing in the Yemen by Paul Torday
It's a rare achievement to tell a complete story in such an intriguing way merely by letters, emails, reports and other forms of correspondence.

For Alfred and Harriet an extraordinary project brings sparkle into their very dreary and ordinary lives. In the process of falling in love via actually "falling in love" with the charming Sheik Mohamed and his dreams and ideals , an international incident is triggered.

I thoroughly enjoyed this charming story of lost love on several levels. A really good read.

Cat's rating: a well deserved 8/10

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

It's been a while....

since I have published a review, but up until this month I have still been keeping to my goal of 3 books a month. This month though, I have read only 1. It is as if I simply can not get absorbed enough into a book - I am halfway through 2 and a quarter way into two others, but yes, no finishers. I have some catching up to do.Mainly also on getting my reviews up here.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

February 2010: Book no 4

Book no 4: Every light in the house burnin' by Andrea Levy

Angela's parents come to England, the land of opportunity and spend their lives in a council flat, working hard to give their children a better life. But always feeling just "not belonging" rather than settling in. In the end Angela has to make sense of the confusing health care system to help her dad to die in peace.

Filled with unique and lively characters the book shows the lives of immigrants with a sensitivity and sympathy that really speaks to the heart. 

I really enjoyed this book and the different time levels it was written in enhances the mood of the story. Nostalgic and at the same time hyper realistic it is a charming memoir style read.

Some readers might be distracted by the use of "Jamaican style" English, but I found it easy to read and lending colour to th ebook.

Cat's opinion: A good stable 8/10

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

February 2010: Book no 3

Book no 3: Vinegar Hill by Manette Ansay
Imagine the bottom falling out of your world - loosing your beloved home and being forced to live with the most unpleasant people you can imagine - your in-laws, in a house filled with old dark secrets that shaped the ones living in it. This is what happens to Ellen when her husband looses his job and she becomes the carer not only of her family but her sour in -laws.

Even Ellen's husband changes accordingly, as if the environment shapes him into a vinegar sodden creature. I will never forget the line when he tells his children that it is hell having kids. Ellen needs to escape, and further than just her regular nighttime walk, dreaded by all but her.

The title functions on so many levels and truly reflects the mood of the place that it names. Well written and captivating this is a great read I can recommend to all.

Cat's rating; A well deserved 8/10.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

January 2010: Book no 2

Book no 2: Sonbrand en Braaiboud - Bun Booyens (editor)
As this book is not available in English please pardon the Afrikaans review.

Al die lekkerste stories van al die beste rebriekskrywers van Weg. Dink aan Dana Snyman, Toast Coetzer ens. Propvol lekkerlees reisverhale. Ek geniet altyd hierdie tipe leesstof veral oor vakansies.

My pount - 8/10 vir net lekker lees.

Friday, January 8, 2010

February 2009: Book no 7

Book no 7: My life as a fake by Peter Carey.

This is the second book by Peter Carey that I have attempted to read - the first was the much praised "Oscar and Lucinda" which I have never completed. Once again, I started out reading this book without being interested in it. I persevered, and it took a while, but eventually I did get into it and completed the read. My problem with reading Peter Carey's books is not the story or the characters, it is his writing style, which I find over explanatory and cumbersome. But maybe that's just me.

The story is really good and very original but jumps around in time quite a bit, but not without direction. The places are exotic and interesting and the characters original to say the least. I know that this is a good read, but I really did not enjoy it much and it left a dull memory - not all pleasant.

Cat's rating: 6/10

February 2009: Book no 5

Book 5: Norrevok by C Johan Bakkes.

Firstly, apologies to my English readers - this book is in Afrikaans and not available translated. However, his other two books have been combined and translated into: To Hell and gone.

Johan Bakkes is an adventurer by heart and an academic by day. He also tries to be a father and husband and in his own words describes his wife as being and angel as she let's him tramp off on adventures on is own at every whim. He finds (well, more like places) himself in some of the most remote and least visited places on earth and tells the story in his own unique and entertaining way (and swearing along as he speaks).

Definitely worth the read - entertaining as always (and very educational in an informal way)

Cat's rating: a comfortable 7,5/10

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

January 2010: Book no 1

Infanta by Deon Meyer (Available in English as Devil's peak at Amazon.com and also as a Kindle book.)

In a sense this book is written in a slightly different style than all the other books by Deon Myer that I have read. From the first few pages you are aware of who the murderer is, but it's the question of whom the guilty party is that haunts you to the end. Excellently written and as usual so well researched, this book also provides and insight into the post apartheid police force and the escalating crime and violence in our country.

It is however the excellently and sympathetically drawn characters that provides the real strength of the book. Each and every one is so very real - each with their own ghosts from the past and dreams for the future.

Not only is Deon Meyer seen as the best crime thriller writer in South Africa, but having his books translated into 20 languages just proves how popular his books are.

I see that 13 uur (13 hours) that I read last year has now been released in the USA, UK France and Russia.
A good 9,5/10.