I am at present busy with a project to catch up on the books that I have read since January 2009 when I started with my 36 books a year challenge. This blog documents what I have in a hand written book journal in order to give other book fans the chance to share in my challenge and to have access to reviews of books they might be interested in. Please leave a comment or link to your book blog if you have one.

Friday, January 8, 2010

February 2009: Book no 7

Book no 7: My life as a fake by Peter Carey.

This is the second book by Peter Carey that I have attempted to read - the first was the much praised "Oscar and Lucinda" which I have never completed. Once again, I started out reading this book without being interested in it. I persevered, and it took a while, but eventually I did get into it and completed the read. My problem with reading Peter Carey's books is not the story or the characters, it is his writing style, which I find over explanatory and cumbersome. But maybe that's just me.

The story is really good and very original but jumps around in time quite a bit, but not without direction. The places are exotic and interesting and the characters original to say the least. I know that this is a good read, but I really did not enjoy it much and it left a dull memory - not all pleasant.

Cat's rating: 6/10

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cat!
    Nice to meet you, yay to the book blog:-) have you checked out ours: http/thebookclubblog.co.za/

    its the Nitida market in Durbanville that I go to, only started in December though.. but you are welcome to come and take some snaps, I dont mind!
